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Thursday, 27 October 2016



Gujarat PSI recruitment 2016 application advertisement
Gujarat police has issued official notification for the various vacant posts in the Department. It is great opportunity to fulfill your dream job of a sub- inspector of police. Please visit the official website or the notification. Here we are specifying the same. www.police.gujarat.gov.in. Regarding, Gujarat PSI application form, eligibility,  payment scale, selection criteria and all other important detail, please go to  the website for clarification. Interested candidate can  apply for Gujarat PSI recruitment 2016 and any other post according to your qualification and interest.
Gujarat PSI recruitment 2016
Upcoming PSI recruitment in Gujarat,Gujarat PSI recruitment,Gujarat PSI application form,Gujarat PSI vacancy,Gujarat PSI written exam,Gujarat policeThe notification released by the includes the following posts –Sub Inspectors of police and Assistant Sub Inspectors and many other posts. Interested candidate can apply online to this Gujarat PSI Recruitment 2016. Application should be submitted before the last date.The Online application is available on the official website of Gujarat police on  www.police.gujarat.gov.in.
Educational Qualification:
The aspirant applying for the post of a  sub- inspector of a police  must be a graduate in any discipline from a government recognized university.It is clearly mentioned in the notification about the eligibility criteria, please, read it thoroughly before applying it. For each and every post  in the notification specific qualification is mentioned go to it accordingly and to your concerned post.
Gujarat PSI Age Limit:
The candidate should have attained the specific age as mentioned in the notification.Minimum and maximum age is mentioned there clearly, please see that you should come under that age limit.
Selection Procedure:
Selection will be on the basis of examinations conducted by the department. There are two types of
tests for this purpose-
Physical test
Written Test
The last step of the selection is Interview; after the interview candidates are appointed at specific places to perform the  duties-  a prestigious social service in other words.
Application Fee:
Applications can be downloaded here from the site on paying the registration fee  and  the same should be submitted online at the website www.police.gujarat.gov.in. Before the last date specified for the concerned Gujarat PSI recruitment 2016.
Please Read carefully official notification and go to officially website as given below
Official notification declared by police department.
Click here to more information

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